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Drink this juice by dipping these three things in warm water before going to bed, a lot of reduction in belly fat will be seen overnight.

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Drink this juice by dipping these three things in warm water before going to bed, a lot of reduction in belly fat will be seen overnight.

Most people today are troubled by the problem of obesity. Everyone wants to look fit and beautiful. But obesity is like a spot on their beauty. Obesity tends to look ugly even in the best of people. The problem of obesity is found in most people. Nowadays people have become more dependent on outside diet due to lack of time.

Eating out also increases the body

A person becomes obese quickly due to the high oil content in the diet. Don't worry if you also suffer from obesity. Today we are going to tell you about such a miraculous juice, drinking a glass every day will make you thin in a few days.

You have to use this miracle. Actually we are talking about cucumber juice. It cleans your stomach and also does not increase the amount of fat in your body. It is low in calories. Which helps to make you slimmer.

Ingredients for making juice

   👉  2 cucumbers,
   👉  2 tablespoons lemon juice,
   👉  A small piece of ginger,
   👉  2 teaspoons sugar,
   👉 A tablespoon roasted cumin powder,
   👉 Mint leaves,
   👉 Salt to taste


First wash the cucumber into small pieces. Put it in the juicer without peeling it. Add ginger and mint leaves and squeeze the juice. Add sugar, lemon juice, cumin powder and salt and mix well. Now your juice is ready for use. You can drink this juice before bedtime. In a few days your protruding stomach will slowly go inside.

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